Injured By A Medical Drug? Identity Of Liable Party Determines Case To File

Posted on: 5 March 2018

If you have been injured by a dangerous drug and you want to file an injury claim or lawsuit, it's important to identify the exact party liable for your injuries. This is necessary because the identity of the injured party will determine which type of legal claim you should make. Here are three examples of those who may be responsible for dangerous drug injuries, and which lawsuit you should file in each case. [Read More]

Three Kinds Of Negligence That Cause Semi Truck Accidents

Posted on: 29 January 2018

If you were recently injured in a semi truck accident, you should know that there is a possibility that your accident was caused by negligence. The difficult part of your case is the fact that there are three kinds of negligence where semi trucks are concerned. Trying to first determine if the case is a case of negligence, and then figure out what kind of negligence, is going to take some time for your semi truck accident lawyer to figure out. [Read More]

Agreements For Tech Businesses

Posted on: 20 December 2017

Many parts of the tech world are collaborative efforts that have to follow some sort of commercial law. Even if many parts of the software engineering and social sharing industries have seemingly open source ideologies, many ideas are protected either by the need to make income or to prevent third parties from selling concepts that should remain free. Here are a few things to consider as you make agreements with new business partners, vendors, and highly-skilled vendors alike. [Read More]

When To Call For The Help Of An Automobile Accident Attorney

Posted on: 26 November 2017

Too many people find that they are injured in an automobile accident and yet do not know if they should contact an attorney or not. This is something that you are going to want to figure out as soon as possible. After all, with just about any accident lawsuit, time is not your friend. You will want to take legal action as soon as possible if this is indeed an option for you. [Read More]